Brutal blast turns deadly

Catherine Letang
DEADLY DESTRUCTION: The explosion has since turned fatal

‘Survivor’ mum dies after five days in hospital

Last week, The Voice reported on a terrifying blast that ripped apart a home in Francistown, in which a mum and her two young sons narrowly escaped death.

Sadly, it has since emerged the lady, a 40-year-old Zimbabwean native, passed away on Friday.

Although she was badly injured in the explosion, which sent shockwaves through Area L on Sunday morning (23rd October), the woman was expected to survive.

However, her condition deteriorated drastically and, after five days at Nyangabgwe Hospital, she succumbed to her wounds.

Her 12-year-old son remains bedridden in hospital while his younger brother, aged nine, was discharged soon after the incident and is in the care of relatives.

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Brutal blast turns deadly

Confirming the tragic turn of events, Central Police Station Commander, Mogomotsi Kesupile, said, “The woman died on Friday and her family has since been notified. There is nothing much that can be said at this stage as investigations are ongoing.

“The body is still in Botswana awaiting post-mortem to see what transpired.”

The top cop admitted they were still clueless as to what caused the blast, with the Fire Brigade and Botswana Power Corporation (BPC) officers unable to shed any light on the matter.

The explosion blasted one of the walls in the rented accommodation to smithereens, causing terrible damage to the tin roof and completely destroying much of the contents inside the house; unfortunately, while houses can be rebuilt and properties replaced, a human life cannot.

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