Banished from the bedroom

Daniel Chida


A 58-year-old man of Thareseleele village in the Southern District is calling for help after being banished from his matrimonial bedroom by his wife of 10 years.

Indeed, according to Simon Mohlomi, a former employee of Debswana Mine, he has been sleeping in the spare room since 2015.

The frustrated pensioner further claims it has been six long years since he last had sex with his wife, Portia Mohlomi.

To add to his angst, as well as denying him his conjugal rights, Mohlomi says his wife has control of his finances and is denying him access to his money.

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In an exclusive interview with The Voice at his sister’s house in Thareseleele, where he occasionally seeks refuge and food, the old man cut a lonely figure.

He accused his wife of ill-treating him while at the same time chewing his cash.

“When I left my job as Heavy Plant Mechanic in 2011, I got P480, 000 payout which I used to build our three-bedroom house and bought two vehicles for the family. Another P422, 000 payout was to follow and we legally got married, had a wedding celebration and even bought a tractor for farming before things changed.”

Mohlomi said he gave his wife his banking cards as a way of showing love and respect for her.

However, he says his kind gesture had cruel consequences.

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“She started sleeping out and coming in the morning without giving any explanation.”

Things quickly escalated and the sex dried up, with Mohlomi finding himself booted out of the main bedroom.

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“When we confronted her she made up false accusations that I was wetting the bed. That was just a way to keep distance. If I was doing that, why did we not ask for professional help?” he demanded, displaying anger for the first time since the interview started.

Mohlomi further maintained he hardly sees any of his P6, 000 monthly pension.


“When lucky she gives me P200 only and does what she likes with the rest of it. She is such a bully that she takes my Ipelegeng payment too. We hardly talk but just pass each other,” he cried.

Mohlomi told The Voice he gave his omang to his wife for safe-keeping and so does not have any official documentation.

“There were times it was difficult for me to get medication from the local clinic. She once took my pills and I had to miss three days until I went to my elder sister to ask for help. I want help, this marriage is not working for me,” he ended simply.

Taking over the narrative, Mohlomi’s elder sister, Mookho Lydia Marupe, 68, confirmed having to intervene after her brother’s medication was taken.

“I was insulted for my troubles,” stated Marupe, adding her brother’s marriage has been rotten since the start.


“This woman has been sidelining us from day one. During the wedding we could see that our brother was not okay but there was nothing much we could do because it was clear we were not wanted.”

She further accused Mohlemi’s wife of basically starving him.

“He only eats once and there are some days he goes without food,” she insisted.

Unfortunately, Portia would not be drawn into discussing the matter.

“Go ahead and write what you have been told, there is no comment from me,” she said.

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