Bad sex ends marriage

Sex-starved wife justifies cheating

A cheating wife, who was impregnated by her live-in boyfriend, justified her bed hopping antics on the basis that she was sex-starved.

In her divorce case against her husband, 33-year-old Omogolo Monare insists that Gobolokang Monare deliberately deprived her of sex by choosing to work far from their Maun home.

Gobolokang, 37, was employed by a safari company based deep in the Okavango Delta and was regularly away for considerable periods.

His wife accused him of abandoning their matrimonial home and leaving her sexually frustrated.

“The Defendant (husband) denies the Plaintiff (wife) her conjugal rights by staying away from home for long periods of time. Even when he finally comes, such conjugal rights are often inadequate.”

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Omogolo, who has two children with her husband, claims the loneliness and lack of sex drove her into the arms of one Godfrey Kgosiemang.

She soon fell pregnant with her new lover.

“There are two minor children born of the marriage but the Plaintiff (Omogolo) has another child born within the subsistence of the marriage but who is not the Defendant’s child,” confirms part of the divorce notice, which is being heard before Francistown High Court.

Omogolo says Kgosiemang has been assisting her financially and also with looking after the children.

She further accused her husband of being violent and emotionally abusive, as well as picking fights with her new man.

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The Monares married in December 2015 and were living together in Maun. However, during one of Gobolokang’s many work trips, Kgosiemang moved in, ousting the missing husband and impregnating his wife.

As part of the divorce settlement, Omogolo is requesting court grant her custody of the couple’s two children and that Gobolokang be made to pay P1, 500 monthly child support.

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