A moment of relief

Christinah Motlhabane
ARRESTED: Police broke the news on Tuesday

Suspected Tutume serial killer’s arrest brings temporary joy to victim’s family

The arrest of a suspected triple-murderer, believed to be behind a brutal killing spree in the Tutume area last month, has brought a moment of relief to the victims’ grieving families.

After two weeks on the run, the 32-year-old alleged serial killer was nabbed across the border in Plumtree on Monday with the help of the Zimbabwean Republic Police.

The cops are working around the clock to secure the Zim national’s extradition back to Botswana.

The suspect, who went by several aliases, including: Vicet Dube, Tapiwa, Bheki Masuku, Sithle and Bhuki, has been fingered in three separate murders which occurred in and around Tutume between 1st and 24th January.

He is accused of killing a 15-year-old boy in Magapatona ward on New Year’s Day and then Garebaitse Gaofitlhelwe, 73, in Nshakazhogwe on 11 January. He allegedly struck again 13 days later, claiming the life of 73-year-old Florence Lebengwa in Thini ward.

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A moment of relief
MURDERED: Lebengwa

The old woman’s body was found in her field at daybreak on Sunday 29 January, by searching relatives.

“We pray that we find it’s him who killed our mother. Even though his arrest will not bring her back, we will be happy that he has been arrested and will face the law for his actions,” Lebengwa’s daughter, Albertina Ntwaagae told The Voice in an exclusive interview on Wednesday.

The 52-year-old said her mother’s murder had left her empty inside and that not knowing the killer made the pain unbearable.

“I was not sleeping at all asking myself many questions. We were also scared thinking the killer might come for us. I thank God for listening to our prayers; the news of his arrest is like a huge weight off our shoulders,” closed a tearful Ntwayagae.

Her husband, Letlhapa Ntwayagae added that if he confesses, they hope the killer tells the police why he did it.

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“We have been scared to walk around knowing there’s a killer on the loose,” he said, adding they only learnt about the suspect’s arrest on BW Police’s Facebook Page on Tuesday.

“We finally felt safe,” Letlhapa concluded.

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40km away in Nshakazhowe, Gaofitlhelwe’s relatives declined to discuss the arrests, telling The Voice the police instructed them not to talk to the media.

The old man, fondly known as Xarie to family and friends, was found tied up in a pit latrine a day on January 12th.

According to a close source, both Gaofitlhelwe and Lebengwa were discovered with wire tied tightly around their necks.

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