- 20 years for former cop who strangled lover
A disgraced former cop who strangled his girlfriend to death will spend the next 20 years of his life behind bars. Buzo Chimota, 43, was spared a possible meeting with the hangman’s noose after it was proven he acted out of jealousy when ending 23-year-old Neo Tabona’s young life.
The father of three killed Tabona back in April 2019, strangling her behind a kraal in Senete village shortly after she knocked off from work. Her body was discovered at sunrise the next morning after Chimota confessed to his parents during the night. His father then phoned the police, who subsequently arrested their one-time colleague.
In court, it was revealed that the deceased no longer wanted to continue the relationship, which was ruined by cheating and constant fighting. Before passing sentence this Wednesday, Francistown High Court Judge Bengbame Sechele revealed he had taken several extenuating circumstances into account.
“The accused is a first offender. His lawyer further said the accused person is of a rustic background and, upon commission of the offence, was clouded by jealousy as his girlfriend wanted to end their relationship,” ruled Justice Sechele, before sending Chimota, who was stationed at Gerald during his Special Constable days, to prison for two decades.
Close to tears as she shuffled out of court, the murdered woman’s mother, Chikadzi Tabona, told The Voice she had no problems with the punishment handed down to her daughter’s killer. “There is nothing much I can say. I believe the courts saw that it is the rightful sentence. I will have to accept it even though I lost my daughter. God is the one who knows as he is the decider; I do not have the right to decide,” reasoned the grieving 59-year-old Chikadzi, speaking with dignity and grace.
Not quite so forgiving, the deceased’s uncle, Simon Thomas, 47, suggested 20 years of incarceration was not long enough for what Chimota did. “They have to increase the years the murderers are to spend in jail because the killing of women has escalated. May my niece’s soul continue to rest in peace,” said Thomas.