Celeb edition with James Ratshosa

Sharon Mathala
MUSIC PROMOTER: James Ratshosa

From being involved in an alleged kidnapping incident to the drama that once characterized his love life, James Ratshosa, the music promoter has had his fair share of controversy.

Today we shine the spotlight on the 38 –year- old Pop Bottles’ show organiser.

Those who have been following you, would recall a kidnapping incident involving you and rapper ATI, so have you rekindled your relationship with the man?

Actually ATI didn’t abduct me.

Someone we had both trusted with our investment because he was at the gate had disappeared with our money and we had to find him.

It was at the Pop bottles event.

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ATI is my brother and as family you know we can have misunderstandings, fights and all that but it is all love at the end of the day.

We are on good terms now and he visits me in Palapye often.

Interesting and for those who have never heard of you, how would you introduce yourself?

I am well known guy!! (Giggles).

Well I am James Ratshosa a young man from Serowe.

The second born in a family of five.

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I am an entrepreneur and a businessman with a history in the music business.

Some may know me from the ATI incident as well as many other scandals I have had.

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Well I am a married man now; I celebrated my wedding on June 26th to my soul mate.

And what have you been up to as Covid-19 disrupted the entertainment industry?

Nothing much could be done as the creative industry was closed.

But as an entrepreneur, I had to make ends meet.

Like I said I am a businessman who is also into sales, so I had to shift focus and try and make ends meet but it was not easy.

We have been dealt a huge blow in the past two years to be honest.

And now you are back with a festive opener show featuring none other than Makhadzi in Serowe, tell us more about that.

Festive opener is a concept of three women and a man who invested money to make it happen.

I was trusted with taking the show to the people as a promoter and marketing analyst.

The show is going to be a big one.

We will also have local powerhouses like Vee, and ATI joining Makhadzi on stage.

The event is scheduled for December 3rd at Serowe Sports complex and tickets are already available.

If you were to have one superpower what would that be?


I would try and heal the world to make it a better place.

Getting to know you better what is the one thing you enjoy doing alone?

I love taking

solo drives in the afternoons looking at the sunset!

What is the most expensive item of clothing you own?

My shoes, for security reasons I won’t say how much.

How much is the least amount of petrol you have ever bought?

100 pula. I usually never allow my car to be very low on fuel.

And finally tell us five things people don’t know about you.

• I am very sensitive
• I secure the bag each chance I get. I love money, and money loves me too
• I am an opportunist. I see an opportunity I go for the kill.
• I am such a lover
• I am such a crier.

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