Franco’s fury

Sharon Mathala

“Sharing is not caring!” grumbles Kwasa King

Veteran star Franco released his latest single ‘Motho yo ke ofe’ for download last week.

Whilst many delighted fans celebrated the Kwasa King’s fresh new music, Franco is far from happy.

The popular singer, who boasts 20 years in the industry with over 100 chart-topping hits, contacted Voice Entertainment this week to highlight his concern.

The artist who was the first local act to really feel the Covid-19 pinch after his ‘Soul Fill-up’ show was canceled a week before it was due to take place tells us, “There is something that worries me and I feel it is important I educate fellow Batswana and Franco lovers about this.

“You see, I was walking around town the other day and I passed a few people jamming to the new song. I asked them how they accessed the song and they said someone had shared it with them.”

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Stressing that in this case sharing is definitely not caring, Franco explains, “This thing of people sharing our songs via WhatsApp is killing our business, especially at a time where our only source of income is through streams and downloads.”

Franco believes that only one person in 100 actually downloads music properly.

“You see if let’s say one person managed to download the songs and then sends it to 99 others, it automatically means a loss of revenue for me. It is really frustrating in as much as I appreciate my fans!”

On a more positive note, Franco revealed that following its release, ‘Motho yo ke ofe’ was the most downloaded song in Botswana that week.

“I don’t have the latest statistics but on the first week of release, it was the most downloaded song. I mean it has been our intent for a long time now to have our catalogue of music up for download because there are people who don’t buy CDs but prefer to download songs,” he said, adding he has opened a YouTube channel for subscriptions where all his music will be uploaded.

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