About 98 students at Maiteko Junior Secondary School in Mabutsane are said to have tested positive for Covid-19 since last week Thursday.
Authorities say it all started with a teacher showing some flu symptoms and when she went to test for Covid-19 the results came out positive.
The subsequent contact tracing revealed the shocking number which by Monday this week stood at 98 students.
Mabutsane District Commissioner, Dintle Setlhotlhe, confirmed the cases but could not definitively give an exact number as contact tracing was ongoing and the District Health Management (DHMT) Coordinator is yet to reconcile the figures.
“They are still reconciling the numbers so that we know how many students and teachers are infected. Our main challenge is that schools in the area have boarding facilities and we also have day scholars. We have isolated those who are positive and nurses are giving them medical attention. We also separated the ablutions. Day scholars mix with others at home and we have few cases in primary schools,” said Setlhotlhe.
She further said they have health teams working with other stakeholders who educate people about measures to control the spread.
Setlhotlhe said there is also an inspection team that checks businesses, schools and other areas where there is movement of people to ensure that they comply with Covid-19 protocols.
Meanwhile, since the 2nd of this month Botswana has recorded new 1 166 new positive cases and 54 new Covid-19 deaths were recorded, bringing the total number of deaths to 413. 8 cases of deaths said to have been recorded on Wednesday at Sir Ketumile Masire Teaching Hospital.