Wooden spoon

Leungo Mokgwathi
BLEW IT: Monone's sticky fingers cost him his job

Security Guard fired for stealing 12 spoons

Hoping to make a little extra cash at the end of a long shift, a sticky-fingered Security Guard decided to do the one thing he was hired to stop others from doing: steal.

It proved to be a mistake for 49-year-old Monone Monone, as he was caught leaving the Choppies store where he worked in G-West Phase 1 with his stolen loot of 12 tablespoons hidden on his person.

The crime took place on 10 October last year.

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However, the Bonwapitse village native was only dragged before Gaborone West Customary Court last week, where the spoons were presented as evidence and he immediately pleaded guilty.

In his address to court, the visible flustered thief begged for forgiveness, noting he was a first-time offender and also a breadwinner at home.

“I cannot afford to spend time in jail because I am the breadwinner and sole caretaker of my elderly mother and wheelchair-bound sister.”

Struggling to find the correct words in his desperation to avoid prison, Monone repeatedly asked the presiding Chief, Kgosi Arnold Somolekae to ‘double his offence’ – a statement that caused the entire court to burst into laughter.

Although his pleas to be spared the slammer proved successful, Monone did not get away scot free, Kgosi Somoleae sentencing him to two months of manual labour.

“For the next two months, you will be coming to the Kgotla from 07:30 in the morning until 16:30 in the afternoon to fulfill tasks given to you,” ordered the Chief.

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Speaking to The Voice after sentencing, Monone revealed what motivated his ‘moment of madness’.

“Ne ke ya go di tsamaisa mo di lineng mo (I was going to sell them in the streets),” he said, explaining there is a demand for loose cutlery in G-West Phase 1 where he resides.

Although he stressed he was remorseful about his actions, which cost him his job, and was relieved to have avoided jail time, Monone informed The Voice he intends to appeal the sentence.

“I am not happy with my sentence because it will deny me the time and chance to go out and look for a new job. My family is dependent on me!” he concluded.

Wooden spoon
WHAT HAVE I DONE? Monone after sentencing


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