Who is the real father?

Portia Mlilo
I WANT MY SON: Babedi, CONFUSED: Neo (Centre) & UPSET: Busang

Two men claim one boy as their son

The double life of a woman who has enjoyed child support from two alleged fathers of the same child for six years came to an abrupt end recently when her closely-guarded secret tumbled out of the closet.

When she was confronted by her current boyfriend, a local ‘father’ of the child, after finding out from her phone that there was another “father in the UK who was paying child support and even planning relocation of mother and child to join him, the local boyfriend decided to block phone communication between his girlfriend and the UK man.

Not to be easily deterred, the UK father, Busang Mmile, 43, reached out to The Voice to tell his story and plead with the local father, only identified as ‘Babedi” and his ‘baby mama’ to unbllock him so that he can keep having access to ‘his son.’

Mmile said drama started six years ago when he had unprotected sex with the woman who was his side chick, Neo George Legopelo, in Gaborone.

He then went to school in South Africa and, after a month, Neo told him that she had missed her period. “At first, I was shocked because I was married then but we agreed that I would continue taking care of the baby. I relocated to the UK, but we were still in touch. Last year, out of the blue, I received a phone call from a certain gentleman called Babedi, claiming that he was the father of Legopelo’s child. I confronted Neo and she admitted that she was not sure who the real father was. That messed our plans to have Neo and the child relocate to the UK to join me since I am now divorced,” said Mmile.

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He went on to explain that he had called Legopelo’s parents about the complicated situation, but they did not want to get involved and instead accused him of causing trouble. Mmile said when he insisted on a DNA test, Neo blocked him and now he can’t even chat with his son via video calls as he used to. He is now planning a trip to Botswana to solve this puzzle once and for all, with a DNA test.

Meanwhile, Neo, 33, has confirmed that on the fateful day, she was drunk and doesn’t remember whether she used protection when she had casual sex with Mmile.

She said the following day she had unprotected sex with her boyfriend, Babedi, and that is why she is confused.

“I was also under pressure because my parents wanted to inform my baby daddy’s parents about my pregnancy. I ended up saying the baby belonged to Babedi because Mmile was married at the time and he went quiet after I told him I might be pregnant,” said Legopelo.

When reached for comment, Babedi believed whatever his girlfriend and Mmile started, they must finish on their own, without his involvement. He was, however, quick to say that he was aware of this issue as Mmile contacted him to alert him that he might the biological father of the child.

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“All these years, I thought the boy was mine. I asked Neo about this, and she confessed that she cheated and that she honestly doesn’t know the real father. I don’t have a problem with Mmile doing the DNA test because it will solve this. I don’t want to lose my girlfriend, though, I love her so much. You can call me stupid or whatever but, for now, I will continue taking care of the child. I’m just praying that this child is mine because we have bonded. Six years is not a joke.” said Babedi.

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