Volleyball star soars abroad

Baitshepi Sekgweng
SHINING STAR: Gasekgonwe (L)

Botswana volleyball export to Rwanda, Gaolesetse Gasekgonwe has signed for a new club, just one week after former employers University of Tourism Technology and Business Studies (UTB) offloaded her.

The lanky 35-year old star wasted no time, penning a two-year contract with rivals Rwanda Revenue Authority Volleyball Club (RRA) to continue her successful stay in the East African country.

Gasekgonwe has been in Rwanda since January 2020 under the books of UTB where she was also under a scholarship programme. However, things took a nasty turn last week when the university announced termination of some contracts citing financial constraints.

“I’ve another good home, and I hope I’ll enjoy my stay here as I join this youthful side,” Gaobakwe said about her new club.

Rwanda Revenue Authority (RRA) Volleyball Club
NEW START: Rwanda Revenue Authority (RRA) Volleyball Club

The former Mag-Stimela attacker revealed there were other offers within Rwanda, but she went with RRA who offered her a scholarship to continue where UTB left off.

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“I’m really happy that I’ll continue with my career and studies. I’m very happy and proud about this contract because it can only be through good performances that I was able to attract so much interest from other teams,” she said.

“They’ve long shown interest in me even when I was still contracted,” she added.

The attacker said she can’t wait for the league to begin, and hopes her arrival at RRA will usher in a new dawn and stop UTB’s dominance of Rwandan volleyball.

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