Unaccompanied toddler dies after eating poison


Sehitwa Police are investigating a case in which a two and half year old boy died after consuming poison at home.

The boy who was left under the care of his grandmother is said to have dug out a bottle which was containing the poison from under a tree in the yard.

“It appears somebody did not do a proper job when disposing off the poison. They buried it in a shallow pit under a tree and we have not got any clear answers as to how the toddler managed to dig or pull it out!” explained Officer Commanding for Number 5 policing district, Peter Gochela.

Evidence given by the grandmother at Naune cattle post in the Tsau area suggests the boy had been playing alone in the yard when the incident happened.

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“The grandmother said he found the boy foaming from the mouth and they rushed him to Tsau clinic where he was immediately referred to Letsholathebe memorial hospital where he died,” Gochela added.

The police were only tipped off following the boy’s burial and are now pursuing the case. “Somebody may be charged with negligence and causing death, if the investigations lead us that way. But it appears it was out of ignorance that the family did not report the matter,” Gochela added.

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