Two pula for your silence

ILLUSTRATION: Sexual assault

Man accused of raping stepdaughter, 3, before bribing her to keep quiet

In a disturbing case emerging from Kanye, a middle-aged man is said to have raped his three-year-old stepdaughter and then bribed the little girl with P2.

Although no charges have yet been laid, Sejelo Police Assistant Superintendent, Earnest Sesinyi confirmed his officers were following up on the allegations after receiving a complaint from the child’s biological parents.

The rape is said to have taken place on 11 November, although the matter was not reported until a week later.

Speaking briefly to The Voice, Sesinyi admitted he was still to find out why the parents delayed in coming to the police.

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“The young girl will be taken to the hospital for medical examination. As for now, the suspect has not yet been charged as we are still on investigations. If the investigations could reveal there is need for charges, that is when we can decide the charges,” explained the top cop, before urging the public to report matters to the police while they are still fresh.

Giving an alarming insight into the recent rise in sex crimes against women in the area, Sesinyi revealed they now register an average of three rape cases every week.

According to sources in the village, the toddler’s mum realised something was wrong when she was bathing her daughter.

The little girl complained that her private parts were painful and, on closer inspection, the mother noticed ‘a stinking discharge’.

When she asked what happened, the baby reportedly replied, “Mama X (not real name) o ne a nkota (Mum X was making love to me).”

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Sources further stated that when confronted, the suspect denied raping the young girl but admitted giving her money.