Tough times hit funeral parlor

Tshepo Kehimile

About 16 Babereki Ka Lorato funeral services staff members are grieving loss of income.

According to a memo circulated to staff and availed to this publication; “All staff members are released and are to exit the business premises on Tuesday 20th December 2022.

However the bad news were met with resistance as the disgruntled staff who embarked on a peaceful demonstration insisted that they would not go anywhere unless they are to receive salaries owed to them for the last four months.

In an interview on the sidelines of the demonstration on Tuesday, Babereki Ka Lorato Investments Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Vincent Galeromeloe said; “It is true that workers’ salaries are unpaid because our company is drowning in debts, and the owners of the company decided to wind up business as they felt that it was no longer viable.

Tough times hit funeral parlor
CLOSED FOR BUSINESS: Babereki Ka Lorato mortuary

Off late, we have had sheriffs coming here to confiscate some of our assets. Furthermore, the exit is made to facilitate the business closure and all staff members will await the liquidation process to take effect for any dues remaining, which will be covered from the liquidation proceeds if any,”explained the CEO

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Meanwhile Babereki Ka Lorato employee, Gaone Koloka said; “It has been four months since we received our salaries hence why we decided to halt our daily proceedings. We have responsibilities, and we want our money so that we fulfil financial obligations.

Tough times hit funeral parlor

Another employee, Kealeboga Ngedwa said; “We are not going to condone all that because we are fed up.

We want our four months’ salaries and then we can wait for our other benefits after the liquidation or else we will be forced to involve lawyers even though our policies were suspended due to failure to pay monthly subscriptions,” he said.

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