Top 10 Batswana who were influential in 2020

Sharon Mathala

The debate over what makes an influencer has always divided opinion, no more so than in The Voice’s newsroom, where the conversation got pretty heated this week as we looked at the top 10 Batswana influencers of this year!

Some of the most common methods of measuring an influencer are by social media following, content, and by an individual’s ability to spark and lead a debate.

According to “Influencers who may appear in a low category by one measure may seem more influential when looked at in another way.”

With this in mind, Voice Entertainment’s SHARON MATHALA compiled a list of who she believes were the top 10 influential figures of 2020.

Because of the Covid-19 pandemic with all its restrictions, a lot of time was spent on the Internet as people were confined to their homes.

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This meant that more than ever, social media became an essential element of our daily lives.

Whist drawing up the list, it was evident that each of the names had made some sort of breakthrough and formed part of the search engines of many.

1. Daniel Kenosi
Love or hate him, controversial journalist – who is allegedly on Government’s most wanted list – Daniel Kenosi is undoubtedly at the top post.

Kenosi, who has a following of close to half a million people across all social networks, has consistently dominated conversations and sparked debate.

Whether you agree with him or not, you simply can’t ignore the former Voice reporter.

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2. Sonny Serite
Journalist and now businessman, Sonny Serite takes our second spot.

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Serite, who is currently on a countrywide tour profiling CEDA funded businesses, has proven he is not a WWW leader.

Serite’s bold approach to topical issues has earned him a spot on our list.

3. ATI
Lekhete le tona, as he is affectionately known to many, is sitting on our third spot.

ATI, who has a follower-ship of a little over 200, 000, caused quite the stir this year.

The ‘Setimamolelo’ hit-maker famously had a brush with the law enforcement, twice as he went on a ‘rampage’.

The singer’s major concern is that of citizen economic empowerment and some of his arguments have gained him respect across the board.

4. Kgosietsile Ngakaagae
Veteran lawyer, Kgosietsile Ngakaagae’s word goes unnoticed.

He seldom engages but when it comes to topical issues Ngaakagae’s voice can be heard.

His level of debate has earned him the top 4 seats.

Ngaakagae has a little over 50, 000 followers across social networks earning him the title ‘celebrity lawyer’.

5. William Last KRM
He is undoubtedly the most hardworking artist/performer for the year 2020.

William Last KRM, popularly known as Motsetserepa, has against all odds gained the respectful eye of some of the world’s greatest.

A couple of companies have also engaged the comedian-cum-rapper for their campaigns proving that hard work does indeed pay off.

Motsetserepa is sitting at over two million followers across all social networks.


6. Uyapo Ndadi
A human rights lawyer, Uyapo Ndadi, who is followed by close to 75, 000 people across social media networks, remains one of the most influential figures in the country.

Ndadi’s ‘expert’ opinion is widely respected, often drives debate, and is surely influential.

7. Dr. Gure
A last-minute entry into the list is popular blogger Dr. Gure.

The self-proclaimed sex guru’s late-night live streams about all things bedroom have seen Dr. Gure dominate WhatsApp chats and conversations.

He commands a following of close to 300, 000.

8. Khumo Kgwaadira
Radio personality and fashionista, Khumo Kgwaadira has also made the cut for this year’s people to follow.

Popularly known as MissGeekays, the bubbly character is followed by a little over 200, 000 people across all social networks.

It is no wonder companies are lining her up as their brand ambassador.

9. Mpho Sebina
Arguably the hottest Botswana musician export right now, Mpho Sebina commands a following close to 300, 000.

Besides her melodic music, Sebina, who has attracted the attention of international figures including Bonang Matheba, is fast gaining a reputation for her fashion sense.

Her ‘cool’ and ‘cheeky’ statements have earned her much attention, especially from the younger generation.

10. Sadi Dikgaka
Television personality Sadi Dikgaka boasts of a following of over 200, 000.

Whilst she seldom engages, her posts generate much-needed interaction.

Just one picture from Sadi can reach up to 38, 000 likes! She makes up part of the SKY girl’s movement influential celebrities.

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