Tonota’s brilliant student honoured

Kabelo Dipholo
MONEY MATTER: Keletso Masiapeto(mother), Ernest and School Head Majoko(r)

Accolades for 14-year-old Ernest Masiapeto continued this week at Masedi Primary School in Tonota.

The young Masiapeto, a former Rutwang Junior School student, is one of the 11 students who obtained Merit in the Junior School Leaving Examinations.

An aspiring lawyer, Masiapeto was last week honoured by the Tonota Sub-District Councillors at the Council Chamber.

His former teachers at Masedi Primary School where the teenager spent seven years, joined the merry go round in honour of the brainy youngster.

Together with the Parents and Teachers Association (PTA), they raised P2700 which was handed to a beaming Masiapeto.

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Speaking at the brief ceremony, Masedi School Head- Kemoneilwe Majoko, said Ernest who’s the only student to get Merit in all of Tonota sub-region junior secondary schools has made their region and her school proud.

“It is here that the boy you’re seeing here today was molded. He learned to tie his shoelaces here and from Standard one until he sat for his Primary School Leaving Examinations he has always been an exceptional student,” said Majoko.

The school head said Masiapeto’s brilliance will forever be linked with her school, even if he was to go abroad.

Majoko further advised the young man to focus on beating his old scores and to never take anything for granted.

“You’re an inspiration to other students. There’re a lot of brilliant students who never fulfilled their potential. You must be like an athlete, focus on beating your own Personal Best record,” she said.

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His former class teacher Nametsegang Peter who taught him from Standard one to four said Ernest’s favorite quotes was “A journey of a thousand words begins with one step”.

“In all his compositions, he always found a way to squeeze in this expression. Now it is finally clear why,” she said.

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In his remarks, Councillor Andy Boatile, advised the young Ernest to remain focused as he pursues his education at a less familiar environment at John Mackenzie School.

“I’m also a product of Masedi Primary School who did well. But just as the School Head said earlier my results deteriorated as I progressed with my education. Complacency crept in and all of a sudden I was concerned with simply beating the pass mark. This is not how to do it, focus on getting the best possible results even at tertiary level,” he said.

Thanking his former teachers for the gesture the young Ernest promised his former teachers that he’ll never forget the foundation they built for him. “I promise to remain focused on my studies to make everyone proud,” he said.

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