The smooth return of Sliq Sta

Grooving in the Ghetto
Sliq Sta

Between 2007 and 2012, Sliq Sta (Mandla Tlhowe) was considered one of the best rappers in the country.

In fact, there was a general belief that he could be Botswana’s biggest export.

Sadly, that never materialised as the man with the sick flow lost his way.

Nine years later and the trail blazer is on the comeback trail.

Sliq recently shot a video to the newly released single ‘Hip Hop’, an old-school Hip Hop banger with witty flows.

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The video was shot in collaboration with Botswana’s champion clothing brand All Kasi.

Sliq tells Grooving that he’s working on his second studio album to be titled ‘The LP2’.

If the single is a yardstick for the entire project then no one would bet against this slick star.

Perhaps this could be the spark needed to reignite his Hip-Hop dream and achieve the greatness many predicted for him.

Rating: 7 out of 10.

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