The Prince who would be King

Daniel Chida



Botswana National Front’s (BNF) Vice President (VP), Prince Dibeela’s dreams of becoming party leader look to be on increasingly shaky ground.

The BNF second-in-command’s plans to challenge Duma Boko for the party presidency are fast going awry with would-be allies ditching him for the opposite camp.

Dibeela’s faction suffered a bitter blow after their target for the VP position, Dr Patrick Molutsi, joined forces with Boko’s lobbyists in the Chairman role.

The Prince who would be King
BOKO’S MAN: Dr Molutsi

The position is yet to be filled.

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Dibeela’s group, ‘Team Restoration: Returning the BNF to its Revolutionary Culture’, were dealt a further knock with the loss of Tabona Masole, reportedly earmarked for National Organising Secretary.

Just like Molutsi, Masole turned down Dibeela for Boko’s camp.

According to an inside source, this double blow has left Dibeela extremely frustrated as he had envisioned the two ‘defectors’ playing a crucial role in his rise.

“Chances are that after the congress, Dibeela will be an ordinary member because if he loses the presidency seat then it will be over for him. Already the journey is getting tough for his team.”

The source predicted there would be more high-profile defections after lockdown, ‘further crippling Dibeela’s campaign’.

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When contacted for a quote, Dibeela would not be drawn into discussing the matter.

The Prince who would be King

“I cannot comment on such allegations,” was all the 2019 general elections candidate for Umbrella for Democratic Change (UDC) for Mmathethe/Molapowabojang was prepared to say.

Similarly, Molutsi flatly refused to comment on the issue.

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“I don’t discuss BNF matters with the media,” explained the man who unsuccessfully stood as the UDC candidate for Goodhope/Mabule constituency at last year’s general elections.

However, Masole confirmed he had turned Dibeela’s team down.

The Prince who would be King

“It is true I was approached by Dibeela’s team but I told them that I and the region are supportive of the party president’s campaign team. We also have to wait for the northern regional congress to give us a direction.”

Masole stressed his decision was nothing personal against Dibeela.

“We are all BNF members,” concluded the Marobela ward Councillor.

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