Taking stock

Kabelo Adamson
MOST TRADED: Letshego Holdings Limited

Letshego leads the pack in most traded companies

Micro-financing Pan-African Group, Letshego Holdings was the most traded company on the Botswana Stock Exchange (BSE) between January and July this year.

The latest Market Performance Report indicates that the group’s total turnover from shares trading was P67.2 million, which is 18.1 percent of BSE’s total turnover.

It was followed by First National Bank Botswana (FNBB) and Sefalana with P51.9 million and P50.1 million of turnovers respectively.

In total, these top three traded companies accounted for 45.7 percent of total equity turnover during the seven-month period under review.

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In comparison to the same period in 2020, the top three traders accounted for 47.2 percent of total equity turnover, with Sechaba Brewery Holdings Limited (SBHL) leading the way with 17 percent or P69.1 million.

Of the 30 listed companies, 13 saw their share prices go down, while 10 appreciated and seven experienced no share price change.

The top gainer was Tlou Energy with a 51.1 percent growth in share price followed by Seed Co. and Lucara with equally impressive gains of 45.9 percent and 41.9 percent respectively.

On the other end of the scale, Sechaba experienced the biggest decline in share price of 21.1 percent followed by Turnstar and Absa with drops of 20.8 percent and 17.8 percent respectively.

By the end of July, a total equity turnover of P370.7 Million was recorded from traded volumes of 267 million shares compared to P405.3 million recorded from 174.9 million shares in 2020.

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On a monthly basis, June experienced the highest turnover followed by July during the period under review.

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