Stay with me or die


Jilted husband allegedly threatens supernatural revenge…or death

The school holidays are not going well for North West Regional Education Officer, Veronica Tebogo Letlhare, whose crumbling marriage has ended in court after her husband allegedly threatened to bewitch her.

Should sorcery fail, 53-year-old Mmolaatshepe Letlhare reportedly warned Veronica, his wife of 20 years and mother of his children, that he would shoot her instead.

Mmolaatshepe is said to have made his threats over the phone on Saturday after receiving a Whatsapp message from his wife informing him she wants a divorce. She reportedly also ordered the Kanye native to vacate their home – a government house in Chobe ward – and return to the village while she remains in Maun for work.

“I will rather bewitch you and if I fail I will shoot you with a gun,” was his apparent response.

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It was these words that landed the unemployed Mmolaatshepe before Maun Magistrates Court on Tuesday morning charged with threat-to-kill. If found guilty, he faces a possible sentence not exceeding 10 years in prison.

During the short court session it emerged Veronica has since gone into hiding, apparently fearing for her life.

Assessing the suspect’s eligibility for bail, court asked Mmolaatshepe if he co-habited with his wife.

“Yes we were staying together, but I have been told that she is hiding at a certain place,” was his gruff response.

His freedom was set at P3, 000, on the condition he vacates their home and seeks alternative accommodation. Mmolaatshepe was also instructed to provide two sureties to the same amount. Outside court, he could be seen talking urgently on his phone to secure the requirements.

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He was also instructed not to contact his wife directly but is allowed to communicate with her through the Investigating Officer or Maun Police Station Commander.

Although the matter is still fresh, with the prosecution just starting their investigations, they did not object to Mmolaatshepe being granted bail, noting he has relatives in Thito ward who can shelter him in the meantime.

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They further told court they would only file a list of witnesses and exhibits once their investigations are complete.

Having forked out the money for his freedom, Mmolaatshepe is due back in court on 7 September.

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