Stay away from bosses’ wives

Sharon Mathala

Soldiers get 45 days in jail for sexual advances towards BDF Commander’s wife

Two soldiers have been tried and found guilty of soliciting sexual favours from the commander of ground forces’ wife and sentenced to 45 days behind bars at the Botswana Defence Force (BDF) prison.

The officers, who faced a charge of prejudice of military discipline, were accused of asking for sexual favours and a ‘massage’ from the commander’s wife while the big boss was away on a work trip to Angola, an incident which allegedly happened when they were on patrol duty back on the 20th of June near the commander’s home.

The two soldiers were arrested at the Glen valley barracks Monday evening this week and whisked away to jail.

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However, the accused soldiers had disputed the facts of the case, arguing instead that the exact opposite of what they were accused of had transpired.

They were adamant that it was instead the commander’s wife who came home drunk, and when the soldiers attended to her, she made advances towards one of them.

According to their statements, it was not the first time the commander’s wife came back home drunk and caused a scene.


On that particular day, they say she was attended to by one of the ceremonial guard unit soldiers.

When he came back, he told his superiors that the commander’s wife had remarked; “Emisang go nna tense. Morena ga a yo; a re ye o ye go mpha massage.” (Loosely translated to, relax, your boss is not here, come inside and give me a massage”.

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However, the boss’ wife had a completely different story and insisted that in fact it was the soldier who made those remarks.

Meanwhile, The Voice has been informed that when she was asked during trial why she did not report the matter immediately to the senior soldiers on duty, the commander’s wife said; “I was taught to report such incidents to my husband. That is what I was taught when I was getting married.”

Two of the soldiers have since been slapped with a 45-day prison term at the BDF, and when asked for comment on how they came to the conclusion that the soldiers were the guilty ones, the BDF spokesperson, Magosi Moshagane said; “While appreciating receipt of your inquiry, the BDF refer you to our previous response that categorically noted that matter relating to the disciplinary proceedings for serving members are purely internal and administrative, and as such cannot be discussed with any third party to include the media.”

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