Soap for the soul

Baitshepi Sekgweng
DETERMINED: Keonee Gaenangaka

Young accountant swaps numbers for nourishment

Although she has a knack for numbers, and is a qualified accountant with a Degree from UB, Keonee Gaenangaka has always been fascinated by skincare.

Thus, in March 2019, after countless hours spent watching online tutorials, the 29-year-old started making organic soaps for friends and family.

Ten months in, the Gumare native was able to take Keoneè Soaps to the next level thanks to funding from

Although the road has proved bumpy, Gaenangaka remains resolute and is confident the venture, which began in her kitchen, is destined for great things…

Take us through Keoneè Soaps’ journey?

I started making natural/ organic soap at home, just in my kitchen around March 2019. I was just selling to friends, acquaintances, family and to my church members then.

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In 2019 December I was then funded by KBL Kick-start Program to expand the business. I was then able to expand my product-line and my market.

And prior to this, what were you doing professionally?

Before establishing this company I was working as an Accountant Assistant for different companies and it was tough.

The pay was small hence I had to do something on the side that could increase my income. I have also worked as administrator officer. I did this for roughly five years before starting this company.

What products does Keoneè Soaps offer?

Keoneè Soaps, as a cosmetics manufacturer, offers natural skincare products such as: soap, body scrubs, lip balm, hand soap and different organic oils.

As an accountant by trade, where did you acquire the skill to make such?

I started learning how to make soap from YouTube, since there was no one I could contact locally.

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I was patient enough and willing to learn and practice just from watching YouTube videos. I have watched hundreds of tutorials and I have also attended cosmetics making workshops.

Soap for the soul
COMPREHENSIVE SKINCARE: Keoneè Soaps offers a variety of products

Oh that’s impressive dedication! So, what inspired the idea to manufacture organic soaps?

I wanted to make soap that helps dealing with skin blemishes, dark spots, pimples and other skin conditions and has great benefits for the skin. That is why I use oils such as Marula Oil when producing the soap and other products.

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Talk us through the production process?

The main ingredients are organic, which I will not reveal all of them -trade secrets (laughing)!

So, I weigh them separately, according to the stated measurements and then I mix the concoction using some stick blender.

When the mixture reaches the thickness that I want I begin to pour in the moulds. Since the soap is natural, I allow it to cure in a natural way and that takes a minimum of six weeks.

Interesting stuff – what’s so different about Keoneè Soaps?

My soaps and other of my products are unique because they are customized for different skin types: for very oily, dry and normal skin. They are also made from our indigenous plants.

How difficult/easy is it to access raw materials?

Accessing raw materials is a challenge. I get 90 percent of my raw materials from South Africa and usually they require you to buy in bulk.

How are your products performing in the market?

Currently I’m still trying to penetrate the market and get on big chain stores. It’s hard but I will get there. The products are not yet known by a lot of people and the revenue is still low.

For now there is one store I supply in Mahalapye (The Local Store) and another one at BBS Mall.

What challenges does the business currently face?

There are so many challenges we face as start-ups in the Cosmetics industry in Botswana! The regulations are very stringent; there is no adequate help from the regulatory authorities.

Years passed by while I was still trying to get certification for my soap from Botswana Bureau of Standards (BOBS).

I finally got certification from a company in South Africa through a Non-Governmental Organisation I am part of.

Now, when it comes to getting into the big chain stores, I don’t even want to think about it, their demands are too high for a start-up.

Against these difficulties, what have been the highlights for Keoneè Soaps?

The major highlight is getting the certification because I can sell freely, with backup that my products are safe, tried and tested. Failure to get certification was my biggest hurdle in the early days.

Further, getting funded by KBL Kick-Start programme is one of the best things that happened to me and this company because I was able to ramp up operations a bit.

Batswana tend to shun local products and go for exports, have you found this to be true? How are you dealing with this stereotype in terms of making the Keoneè brand visible?

I just learn to focus on the positive; on the few that believe in my products. I cannot really change their perspective on local products. That’s why I’m working on exporting.

I understand you’re part of the United Nations Development Programme’s (UNDP) Supplier Development Programme – how has this benefitted your business?

They have given me exposure: on radio and through some conferences and exhibitions, where people have had the chance to get to know about the products.

What are the latest developments from your company?

I’m currently working on introducing baby products.

And finally, what does the future hold for Keoneè Soaps?

Exporting is the main dream, that’s the future for Keoneè Soaps. I want to take these products to other nations.

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