Sex scandals overshadow covid-19 vaccine

Sinqobile Tessa
AGE IS JUST A NUMBER: VP Mohadi and his married lover(source: ZimLive)

What is more newsworthy between sex scandals and the arrival of the Covid-19 vaccine?

I pondered on this question for minutes as I was trying to decide on what to write about this week.

One would expect the Covid-19 vaccination programme, which started yesterday (Thursday), to dominate the news as it could be a matter of life and death. But no, most Zimbos didn’t seem overly interested.

Maybe it is because some people seem skeptical about the vaccine, mainly because it is from China and the fact that it is not ideal for people living with HIV and other chronic diseases.

At least 200, 000 doses were donated by the Chinese government while an additional 600, 000 was bought by our government – a good start but bear in mind Zimbabwe has an estimated population of almost 15 million people.

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The vaccination programmes began as the government announced that the new Covid-19 strain detected in South Africa in December is now prevalent in Zim.

It is, however, not clear yet if this vaccine will be effective as it all seems to be a trial and error kind of situation.

What is even more worrying is that medical professionals issued a statement saying they had not been trained on how to administer the vaccine!

Anyway, this did not seem to interest people that much, certainly it was not the hottest topic in town.

Instead, sex scandals involving one of the Vice Presidents and another involving a Member of Parliament (MP) dominated conversations.

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Vice President Kembo Mohadi’s sex escapades with a young, married lover came to light this week. Apparently the 71-year-old VP took two cups of a sex booster ahead of their planned night together.

This was revealed in a leaked telephone conversation between the VP and his lover as the two discussed the anticipated night of pleasure.

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The VP was also reportedly left nursing a wound on his forehead after he was confronted by his lover’s angry husband, who told the old man to stay away from his wife.

Meanwhile, independent and outspoken MP, Temba Mliswa’s sex life was also put out in the public domain by an ex-lover who wrote about some of the sordid things that made the MP ‘go wild’.

This is a family paper so I wont go into detail but I can tell you that social media users had a field day talking about the issue which some people found very strange.

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