Rakgare tours schools for readiness

Daniel Chida

Member of Parliament for Mogoditshane, Tumiso Rakgare will tomorrow (Tuesday) tour all schools in his constituency to assess their readiness for re-opening.

In an interview with this publication, Rakgare said that his constituency has been clouded in controversy during food hampers distributions and he does not want similar circumstances to occur when schools reopen. “I want to make sure that everything is in place before we can allow students back. Parents need assurance that their kids won’t get the virus from schools so it is upon us the leaders to make sure we help where government has run short.”

He said that after the tour that is when he will be able to tell what is needed and where and also help where necessary.

However, Rakgare commended the social workers in his area for a job well done despite having received a backlash in the beginning.

The Minister of Youth Empowerment, Sport and Culture Development said that his office intervened by giving food hampers to more than 2 000 families who had been initially left out by social services.

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“We cannot put the blame on social workers, there was too much pressure during the assessment period hence many people felt overlooked, but they have done well under the circumstances.”

Rakgare said the easing of COVID 19 regulations has also contributed to fewer reports of food distribution irregularities as Batswana believe in working for themselves than relying on government handouts. “Most are back at their work to feed their families than depending on government. This has helped a lot,” he added.

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