Rabeisane in sex scandal

Daniel Chida
HUSBAND : Mothusi Mathews, ENTANGLED IN A DIVORCE SCANDAL : Rabeisane, WIFE : Thandi Mathews

I didn’t have sex with client’s wife- Rabeisane

A visit to a controversial traditional doctor, Lebibi Kamogelo Keitlholetse popularly known as Rabeisane, to boost a dying business has left a Gaborone couple divided and on the verge of a divorce.

Although both parties are being cagey with details, information gathered by this publication has indicated that a young medical doctor, Mothusi and his wife, Thandi Mathews visited Rabeisane for consultation but the two are now separated following accusations of the wife’s sexual encounters with the muti man.

Trouble in the Mathews household began when Mothusi suspected Rabeisane to have acted unethically by having sex with his wife on two occasions in one day during cleansing rituals and therefore reported him to the police. Officer Commanding, senior Superintended Agreement Mapeu has confirmed that police at SSKI police station were still to call Rabeisane for questioning over the matter.

However, speaking in an interview Rabeisane, 38, vehemently denied sexual molestation accusations but confirmed having taken the family to the hill top in the company of two others, being his son and his assistant.

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“On our way up the hill his wife complained of fatigue so we left her and proceeded to the top where we performed our ritual. After that, Mothusi dressed up, and we went down where I performed the same ritual I had performed on him on his wife. We then went to the house where the two went into two separate consultation rooms to perform another ritual of inhaling smoke from burnt herbs. During her session Thandi pleaded with me to help not only their business but also to strengthen their marriage which she said was in bad shape. She told me that they were always fighting over small issues,” explained the man who is famed for using his magic bowl to search for missing things and people.

Rabeisane said during consultation with Thandi he showed her a small potion, which he said was going to change their lives for the better. “She demanded that I rub it on her and I did that. To my surprise her husband questioned why we took so long and even accused us of having had sex, which we didn’t. Although she was naked, I did not have sex with her because how could I have had sex with her when my office door was open and other clients were seated outside?” he asked.

Rabeisane also expressed shock that despite Thandi’s explanation that they did not have sex, Mothusi was adamant that they did, accusing the traditional doctor of having slept with his wife and threatening to open a case with the police, which he eventually did.

However, on Wednesday, Mothusi appeared before Broadhurst Magistrate, where he successfully challenged a restraining order that his wife had obtained against him following the fight over Rabeisane’s issue because she had feared the angry doctor would hurt her.

He pleaded with the court to dismiss the application because it was going to affect his VISA application since he wanted to travel abroad. His wife Thandi was not present as she had since travelled to the United Kingdom. His wish was granted by the court.

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In an interview with him after his court appearance, Mothusi asked to be given time to heal, saying a lot has happened since their visit to the traditional doctor who rose to prominence following the disappearance and search of a seven-year old child, Tlotso Karema in Lobatse last year.

“I will tell you everything when the time is right. Although the two might not have had sex as I suspect, there is something that went wrong, but I am not prepared to share now,” he said.

Meanwhile, Paul Keitlholetse (Rabeisane’s older brother) jumped in the fray on Wednesday with threats to cast a spell on anyone who might want to tarnish his brother’s name. ” I once cast madness on someone and he landed in mental hospital,” said the protective brother who had previously warned the Mathews to withdraw the case from the police or risk a spell of divorce.

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