Putting pizza on the menu

Tshepo Kehimile
Masunga salivates over Italian favourite
Mention popular foods in the North East and one might daydream of delele, phane and zengwe.
Certainly, pizza is one of the last meals that pops to mind when talk turns to grub in the land of the Kalanga.
However, this will soon change if Andile Sepapeng has his way. The talented 31-year-old chef is fast putting the Italian favourite on the menu in Masunga.
As well as the doughy delight, Sepapeng’s restaurant, Chef Andile Culinary Studio has become famous for its in-house cocktails, available with and without alcohol.
Located near the town’s bustling bus rank, the eatery focuses on pizza and cocktails but also offers other fast-foods, such as burgers and fries.
“I decided to specialise in pizza and cocktails because they are both people’s favourites and a go-to meal. With pizza, people prefer it at any time of the day. Moreover, I wanted to showcase and challenge my skills – as a chef, all I do is cook but my passion lies with making pastry food. I make everything myself, including the dough. With the cocktails, I just wanted to bring a new twist to the exciting taste on offer,” explains Sepapeng, who is originally from Molepolole but grew up in Gaborone.
Different kinds of dishes
SERVED: Different kinds of dishes
The business has been running since 2017 and includes a takeaway service.
“My services stretch through our Tati-East region. I am not really wary of competition, including big name brands, because I am my own competition and my food surely speaks for itself!” the passionate pizza maker tells Voice Money.
His most popular topping is the ‘Masala Mix’, a meat feast which contains chicken, beef and bacon. Pizzas are available in three sizes: large, medium and small and are priced at P80, P65 and P35 respectively.
As for his cocktails, which look almost as good as they taste, they come with a refreshing twist.
“My cocktails are custom made, based on the personality of my customers. The reception has been good; people have so appreciative towards my products,” reveals the driven businessman.
Indeed, running his own enterprise has long been Sepapeng’s ambition.
“My love for business began at a very young age. I was still in Junior school when I was introduced to a business club, Junior Achievement Botswana (JAB); the program really ignited the love for business in me.
“The passion grew and eventually I ventured into several business ventures after Cambridge but my real passion was always in cooking,” he reiterates.
Four years ago, he was able to combine the two with Chef Andile Culinary Studio.
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