Prophecy drives woman to attempt suicide


A young woman of Mogoditshane attempted suicide after a prophet told her that she had problems he couldn’t specify.

Mixing an ant killing poison known as Blue Death with milk and ingesting the concoction, the 26-year-old woman was found writhing in pain by her ex-boyfriend who rushed her to the hospital for treatment.

She resorted to suicide after the ex-boyfriend had refused to give her money to buy stuff that she said was ordered by the prophet for a cleansing ritual for the said problems to go away.

The woman allegedly lost hope when the boyfriend dismissed the prophecy with contempt and refused to finance the ritual.

In frustration, she ended the relationship but later on went back to the same man’s house she had just broken up with, let herself in and attempted suicide in his absence.

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According to Thamaga Police Station Commander, Superintendent Moses Kwarare, the ex-boyfriend was shocked to find her in extreme pain and rushed her to the clinic.

He is also the one who reported the matter to the police.

The police attended to the report and found the woman at the clinic where she was treated and discharged.

“She has been handed over to her family and social workers for counselling,” explained Superintendent Kwarare.

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