Pregnant woman loses baby inside a toilet


A 37-year-old woman at Mathiba ward, Mmathethe village lost her baby in a pit-latrine toilet while she was trying to relieve herself.

The woman’s mother, aged 69, was said to have discovered a strong stink when she visited the toilet last week Thursday and when she looked inside she was shocked to find a new-born baby.

The elderly woman became suspicious that it could be her daughter’s baby as she knew her to be eight-months pregnant and she reported the matter to the police who went to retrieve the baby.

Good-Hope Police Station Commander, Superintendent Mogomotsi Kwapa, confirmed that they are investigating the case that was reported to them on Thursday and they have not yet arrested anyone.

“Upon questioning, the woman said when she was trying to relieve herself last Monday she felt something coming out from her not knowing what was happening and she did not report to anyone. As for now we are still waiting for the post-mortem to be conducted and it will be followed by a DNA test to prove that the baby belongs to her, explained Superintendent Kwapa.

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The woman was taken to the hospital where she was treated and discharged after three days.

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