Political affiliation divides church

Daniel Chida
UDC PRESIDENT: Duma Gideon Boko

Boko dropped from officiating at Head Mountain event while BDP rep remains

A decision by Head Mountain Church leaders to withdraw the President of Umbrella for Democratic Change, Duma Boko’s invitation to open its church choir competition on Saturday in Jackalas No2 has divided the congregation.

Boko was invited to officially open the choir event on Saturday while the area Member of Parliament, Douglas Letsholathebe is billed to do the official opening of the congress on Friday.

However, Boko was dropped at the last minute with allegations doing rounds that the cancellation was politically motivated.

Some members of the church feel that their leaders have taken a decision to endorse the ruling party through the invitation of the Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) representative over the UDC.

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“Good Friday is the most attended event unlike Youth Conference which is always disorganised. This is a political strategy and they are undermining Boko,” said a group of concerned members.

However, Head Mountain Secretary General, Chapter Mafa dismissed the political affiliation allegations saying they did not drop Boko out of disrespect.

“Out of respect we felt officially opening church choirs while his counterpart opens the congress would not look right,” explained Mafa who went on to explain that Boko is still going to be invited to open the Youth Congress later this year.

Meanwhile the UDC Head of Communications, Moeti Mohwasa Mohwasa has said that as an organisation that holds the religious community in high esteem and wish for its cohesion, the UDC find this development unfortunate.

“Churches as places of worship are expected to posit to the society a sense of fairness, neutrality and equality. The withdrawal of the invitation is bound to invoke different responses from not only the community but the church members as well.”

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“If the allegations that the Church was coerced into withdrawing the invitation by the ruling BDP are correct, it will be very unfortunate.”

Mohwasa appealed to church leaders not to succumb to political pressure and treat all in society equally.

“Jesus abhorred, opposed and defied tyranny and coercion and we expect His followers to do the same. We are all equal before the Lord.”

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Churches will be gathering at different places of worship as they commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death at Calvary

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