Pilot likely to be charged for Sasa Klass’ death

WRECKED: Helicopter

The inquest into the death of rapper, Sarona Motlhagodi popularly known as Sasa Klass, came to a conclusion last week with Molepolole Chief Magistrate, Gaseitsewe Tonoki, referring the matter to the Botswana Police Service for investigation.

Chief Magistrate Tonoki noted that the pilot, Leonard Matenje, had testified that he was inspecting the fence when the helicopter suddenly swerved and touched the fence, which means he was flying too low.

The magistrate further pointed out that the 5th witness, Afi Mabele, saw the helicopter flying low, passing Matshwana farm and thirdly the 9th witness, Superintendent Kebe, had also testified that Matenje told him that the helicopter might have touched the tree, leading to the crash.

“It is therefore not in dispute that Matenje was flying at a low level. The question is was it safe and what would cause a reasonable pilot to fly at such a low level?? asked the magistrate. In his testimony witness of court, Assistant Commissioner Mashika, who happens to be a more experienced pilot, had stated that flying at a low level is tantamount to flirting with death. It’s a danger zone, we call it the dead man’s curve and only experienced pilots can do it,” Mashika said in his testimony.

“It is from my opinion and persuaded with evidence produced before myself that there is a high possibility that had it not been for the low flying of the helicopter by Matenje, the accident may not have occurred and the deceased would not have met an entire tragic demise. I therefore refer this inquest to the Botswana Police Service for the investigations into the death of Motlhagodi,” concluded the magistrate.

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