Bulls@#T Bill or necessary Evil?


Francistowners have their say on proposed ‘phone tapping’ law

On Tuesday, the Minister of Defence, Justice and Security, Kagiso Mmusi, tabled a Criminal Procedure and Evidence Bill in parliament.

It was agreed, by 25 votes to 18, that the Bill be brought forward for debate urgently, where the country’s legislators will have to decide whether it is passed into law. If it gets through, the law will give government the power to tap phones, while also allowing security personal to assume fake identities.

In light of this, The Voice’s KITSO RAMONO took to the streets of Francistown to get the people’s perspective.

Kabelo Kopo (27)
I am strongly opposed to this bill because it does not respect us and infringes on our privacy. It will be difficult to communicate with others now that we know someone is listening to our calls somewhere out there. I don’t mind police enforcement being given bogus documents when they’re conducting an investigation, but only if it’s for a valid reason.

Lesego Mathatsa (36)
This new rule is unacceptable because it demonstrates that as a country, we do not have our own secrets. As for law enforcement officers being provided fake documents, it is amusing because we all know that government employees are sworn in to never mislead or lie to the public they are meant to serve.

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Dorcus Amos (30)
I don’t agree with this new regulation since my phone is my personal journal – it stores and transmits information that only I have access to. Will they go to my partner and tell him if I am cheating on him? (bursts with laughter). The problem of phony documents is really upsetting since we already know that our cops are often embroiled in corruption allegations. Mark my words, they will utilize those documents to their advantage and plunder us in some way.

Nchidzi Keabile (24)
I think the government is making a smart step by enacting this new law, especially because we’ve been dealing with a lot of organised crime lately, such as the NPF saga and the increasing number of cash-in-transit armed robberies. For the phony documents, I think it’s a terrific move because it allows investigative agents to work without being interrupted or harassed.

Itireleng Moseki (31)
It’s not fair for the government to listen in on our conversations. Those hired to do so may end up stealing our ideas and business plans – or even worse, our money, such as our E-wallet pins. It’s even more surprising because our government has never approached us to ask if we agree with the laws it continues imposing on us.

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