Phase one ‘passion killing’ leaves two ladies dead

Daniel Chida

A 24-year-old man accused of killing two young women – his girlfriend and her cousin – in Gaborone West’s Phase One location on Sunday night will spend the Independence holidays behind bars.

Lesego Dikgang was hauled before Village Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday morning charged with the double murder of Janett Alfred and Osego Thipe.

DECEASED: Osego Thipe

The slain ladies were found dead in their house on Monday, the casualties of yet another apparent passion killing reportedly sparked by Dikgang’s suspicion that his girlfriend was having an affair.

“After a night of drinking, he went to his girl’s house where he locked the house and, in a fit of fury, beat her until she died,” a source close to the case told The Voice.

According to the source, Dikgang then turned his bloodied fists on the cousin, grabbing a knife and stabbing her to death as he was scared she would report him to the police.

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“This one, he intentionally killer her,” stated the source, who is close to the investigating team.

Appearing before Chief Magistrate, Mareledi Dipate, as well as the glaring eyes of the media, Dikgang looked dazed and lost, with no friends except a few family members turning up to offer him support.

The public prosecutor, Inspector Alexander Phale of Gaborone West Police, successfully secured his remand, noting it was far too soon in proceedings to entertain thoughts of bail.

LATE: Janett Alfred

“As for now, he is not a candidate for bail, investigations are still at an early stage, therefore I plead for his remand in custody,” Phale told court.
The accused was duly sent back to the slammer and will appear again on 11th October for status hearing.

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