Pay me!

Portia Mlilo
Motshegwa & Mokoke (L-R)

At the start of the year, impressed by his work as Extension Gunners Coach, Jwaneng Galaxy offered Wame Mokoke a two-year deal to dump the Lobatse giant’s and join them as Assistant Coach.

Widely regarded as one of the country’s best young coaches, the 31-year-old was all set to pack his bags for the mining town.

However, at the last minute, in a desperate bid to keep Mokoke at the club, then Gunners Vice Chairman, Ketlhalefile Motshegwa put a lucrative counter offer on the table.


Amongst other promises, the two-year contract included a P25, 000 monthly salary, which Motshegwa pledged to pay in his capacity as the Managing Director of Rise Up Business Consultancy.

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Pay me!

It proved an offer too tempting to resist and Mokoke eagerly signed on the dotted line. It was a decision the young tactician would almost instantly regret.

After receiving his wage for January, the coach says he never saw another Thebe from Motshegwa, who is also the Secretary General (SG) of both the Botswana National Front (BNF) and BLLAHWU.

“I was only paid a January salary and worked for three months without payment. On the 6th of April, Motshegwa terminated the contract and asked me to now deal with Gunners management. He said he has resigned from the club committee so he will no longer take care of the welfare of the coach,” explained Mokoke, who stayed with Gunners until the end of the season, guiding Mapantsula to a 9th placed finish before joining relegated Mahalapye Railway Highlanders in the First Division South.

Pay me!

Airing his grievances to Voice Sport this week, the gaffer said, “I reported the matter to Labour because I had signed a contract with his company, not Gunners. I regret the day I signed that deal of empty promise. This has stressed me thinking that I turned down the Galaxy offer.”

Mokoke, who is the son of another famous football face, Philemon Makhwengwe, ruefully added, “Motshegwa refused to attend our case at Labour saying he doesn’t own a football club.”

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On 7th September, Lobatse District Labour continued with the matter in Motshegwa’s absentia after he failed to show up for mediation that had been schedule for 15 August.

Motshegwa was found guilty and ordered to give Mokoke P130 769.18.

However, he is yet to pay.

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When reached for a comment, Motshegwa would not be drawn into discussing the matter, instead requesting Voice Sport send him a message, which he promptly ignored.

Mokoke has since opted to file the matter at Industrial Court.

“I will not rest until Motshegwa pays me my money,” he concluded defiantly.

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