Pastor’s double life exposed

Sharon Mathala
MR AND MRS: Neo and David Matsitse


High hopes of becoming a devoted pastor’s wife ended in heartache and sorrow for a cop who found out on her wedding anniversary that her husband was already married to another woman.

The deceitful pastor, David Blessing Matsitse of His Rock International ministries was exposed as a bigamist on the day of his wedding anniversary and jailed for a threat to kill charge.

He had lost his cool and threatened to kill his wife,Neo Matsitse when she confronted him about his secret marriage to another woman he allegedly married in Serowe before.

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During their fight the constable, fearing for her life reported the matter to the Police.

She had just found out that her pastor husband was not really who he said he was.

“ He had used a different identity to marry another woman in Serowe before he married her. She wanted to find out why he had tricked her into marriage but the fight got so intense that she had to run for help and report him to the Police,” a source revealed.

Matsitse was arraigned before the Jwaneng Magistrate court for an offence of threat to kill on Tuesday and denied bail.

Meanwhile the constable had already tendered her resignation with the Police in order to devote her time to the church since her husband was a full time pastor,” said a colleague within the Police service.

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IN HAPPIER TIMES: David and Neo Matsitse

Jwaneng Police station commander, Thuso Basupi in an interview with this publication said, “I can confirm that we have a case in which one of our officers and her husband had a misunderstanding and the husband has since appeared before court on a charge of threat to kill.”

The station commander further revealed that they have since opened another investigation against the pastor husband on his alleged ‘double marriage and double identity’.

“We have not even been to Serowe to interview the so called first wife. You are way ahead of us but yes I can confirm we have such an investigation before us,” Basupi said.

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The Pastor who said his ‘I Dos’ twice is set to appear before court next week Tuesday after he was denied bail.

Contacted for a comment the humiliated cop said, “I do not want to talk about this matter that is why I am hanging up.”

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