Panic in Chanoga after corona rears ugly head

NON COMMITTAL: Kgosi Setlhodi

Panic gripped Chanoga village last week as the District Health Management Team (DHMT) descended on the village’s kgotla looking for people that came into contact with a female villager who had just tested positive for Coronavirus.

Allegedly the woman, who had been convicted to a prison term by the village’s customary court for stealing goats, tested positive on arrival at prison.

Worryingly the infected lady is said to have been working as a street vendor at Maun’s busiest shopping centre, Maun’s Old Mall.

Despite her vocation bringing her into contact with hundreds of people every day, it is believed that following tracing, so far just two police officers and a civil service employee have been put under quarantine

When contacted for further information on the matter, Chanoga Kgosi, Oateng Setlhodi said simply, “No, I do not want to comment on that matter.”

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Similarly, Officer Commanding for Number 5 policing district, Peter Gochela declined to speak on the issue, saying only, “Those are administration issues, I cannot comment on them.”

Nonetheless, Director of Health Services, Dr Malaki Tshipayagae was able to corroborate the Covid-19 case.

“Yes there is a confirmed case of that nature and it is included in the latest statistics. Contact tracing is ongoing.”

Meanwhile another suspected case of corona has been reported in one of Maun’s Secondary Schools.

As of Tuesday evening, according to the BW Government of the 42, 290 people tested for Covid-19, the country had recorded 227 confirmed cases – 181 who were foreign truck drivers that have since been transferred back to their own countries – with 28 recoveries and one death. Currently Botswana has 17 active cases.

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