One down, two to go

Sinqobile Tessa
GAME OVER: Kasukuwere

Presidential candidate, Saviour Kasukuwere’s dream to be on the ballot paper on August 23 has been shattered.

While he may now be taking his fight to the Constitutional Court and the SADC region following a High Court ruling barring him from contesting in the coming election, the reality is that he is fighting a losing battle.

He should actually know better that the system has no mercy for the opposition or anyone who challenges the status quo.

Kasukuwere, who has been living in self-imposed exile in South Africa since the 2017 coup, was disqualified after a Zanu PF activist challenged his candidacy on the grounds that he had been living outside the country for more than 18 months.

The activist based his arguments on the provisions of the electoral law.

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During his hey days, as a big fish of the ruling party and government, he would scoff at opposition figures for taking the regime to the courts for whatever reason and for seeking the intervention of SADC.

Now that it’s him on the receiving end, he expects the system to have mercy; that will only happen in his dream. The man must just face reality, lick his wounds and move on.

What many are expecting from him going forward is to throw his weight behind the main opposition leader, Nelson Chamisa, to encourage those who intended to vote for him to vote for the former instead.

Of course Kasukuwere had no national appeal but those votes that he was going to get in his home province of Mashonaland Central may come in handy for the opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) and its leader Chamisa.

Meanwhile the campaigns are intensifying as the two leading figures continue to hold rallies in different parts of the country.

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The ruling party, however, continues to bus supporters from all over for their rallies to boost their numbers.

On Sunday, three people died when a bus carrying Zanu PF supporters from Bulawayo to rural Nkayi was involved in an accident. They were going to attend a rally addressed by President Mnangagwa.

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In some instances, local people are actually forced to attend ruling party rallies.

On the other hand, it has been noted that Chamisa manages to attract scores of people to his rallies who attend even without free transport.

Chamisa has said, even with the little resources, his party will strive to reach even the most remote areas of the country.

The opposition has dubbed the election date, which is August 23, ‘20FREEAugust’, declaring that Zimbabwe will get its second freedom then. Time will soon tell!

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