No resources to introduce second administrative authority in GC

Kabelo Adamson

Minister of Local Government and Rural Development, Eric Molale says government is unable to introduce two administrative authorities in Gaborone City Council (GCC) because of a lack of resources.

The Minister was responding to a question from Gaborone Bonnington South Member of Parliament (MP), Christian Greef last Thursdy, who enquired if such plans were afoot.

Greef argued that because of Gaborone’s considerable size and its continued expansion, it is virtually impossible for the Council to handle all matters relating to the city.

Although Molale admitted he agreed with the notion, he stressed it would not be happening any time soon due to resource limitations.

INTENSILY EXPANDING: Gaborone City Council
INTENSILY EXPANDING: Gaborone City Council

“I must, however, indicate that because of resource limitations, GCC is currently operating two Service Centres at Old Naledi and Tsholofelo which provide basic services of Social and Community Development, Bye-Law, SHHA, Revenue, Education and Administration,” added Minister Molale.

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According to the most recent population census, carried out in 2011, Gaborone’s population grew by 24.5 percent in the preceding ten years.

“Gaborone has therefore over the years grown to be a hub for administrative, commercial, industrial, and communication sectors,” observed Molale, adding these dynamics put a lot of pressure on the limited resources resulting in service delivery challenges.

Meanwhile, the Minister further told parliament his Ministry is in the process of concluding a Decentralisation Policy.

“The Draft Policy is ready and final consultations will be concluded during the first quarter of 2021/22 financial year, Covid-19 permitting,” he said.

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