No more free land in Maun


37 207 applications on the waiting list Landboard ready to allocate 13 plots

After a five -year break in land allocation in Maun, Tawana Landboard has only secured 13 residential plots to allocate this coming financial year, 2020/21.

The landboard chairperson, Immanuel Dube has confirmed that out of the 37 207 applications on waiting list, only 13 will be allocated plots as Maun does not have any more free land for residential purposes.

“Free land is no longer available in Maun,” Dube said.

The chair further explained that the problem that the landboard was facing is that those with ploughing fields around Maun, especially towards the Eastern side where the village is extending, are refusing to cede them to the landboard.

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However Dube said he was likely to push the Maun waiting list to Sexaxa and Matlapana village, which have 3000 and 900 serviced plots respectively and no waiting list. The two outlying villages fall under Maun sub landboard.

” We may allocate land to those who have applied for Maun in those two areas,” Dube explained.

He added that they also are hoping to reduce the waiting list thtrough a vetting exercise.

“What applies is one man one plot, so when you have a plot in another village, you do not qualify for allocation in Maun,” he said.

Currently serviced plots that are available for allocation are 7255 of which 13 are in Maun, 300 in Shakawe, 1500 in Gumare, 3000 in Sexaxa, 900 in Matlapana, 500 in Toteng, 42 in Tsau and 1000 in Seronga.

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