No bail for suspected killer husband

Portia Mlilo
Gomolemo Mmotlanyane

Kebabope Mmotlanyane, a man notoriously known for the brutal murder of his wife during a counselling session two months ago, will remain locked up for a while before his bail application can be considered.

Despite repeated promises that he would behave himself should he be granted bail, 40-year-old Mmotlanyane’s reasons were not good enough to convince Magistrate Goratile Moremi-Ramakoloi of Broadhurst Magistrates Court.

In a previous court appearance, Mmotlanyane had applied for bail assuring the court that he was not a flight risk and that he was prepared to abide by any bail conditions.

He allayed any fears that he would harm his children and further tried to convince the court that he was a sensible man as he did not run away after stabbing his wife. “I even gave the police the weapon I was using and I also held my youngest child for almost 20 minutes before the police arrived,” he said in a desperate attempt for his freedom.

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Mmotlanyane further complained that his in-laws had started taking away his property and that he needed to be released on bail so he could attend to the issue.

“I have been informed that my in-laws have already gotten a file document which contains me and my late wife’s marriage certificate and also a title deed for our field. I plead with this honourable court to give me bail so that I can be able to look for transport to fetch some of the property. Serowe District Council had agreed to release a truck to assist me to transport my property from Moiyabana to Kopong village but the process was put on hold after they had asked for my official writing as they could not transport them with me behind bars. That is why I am really asking for bail so that I can attend to such issues,” he pleaded.

Investigating Officer, Detective Sergeant Keitumetseng Bonang, opposed the bail application noting that she was yet to record statements of the eye witnesses. She said the two counsellors who witnessed the murder were still undergoing counselling.

“The deceased and the accused person had three children who are also undergoing counselling. When the incident occurred, the children were housed at the shelter with their mother and after her death, they were released to stay with the accused’s parents. Should the accused be granted bail, he is likely to affect their healing and counselling process,” said Bonang.

Magistrate Ramakoloi considered the state’s reasons and ordered for the accused to be remanded in custody and to reappear in court on August 8th for mention.

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Mmotlanyane is accused of brutally stabbing his wife Kebabope Mmotlanyane (34) to death at a gender-based violence support centre.

On the fateful day, he had been invited by the counsellor to assist in a reconciliation process with his wife, who had sought refuge at the centre.

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