Nelson Chamisa dumps CCC

Sinqobile Tessa
I QUIT: Chamisa

Zimbabwe’s main opposition leader, Nelson Chamisa has abandoned his party, Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC), exactly two years after its formation saying it has been infiltrated and hijacked by the ruling Zanu PF and its agents.

“This is to officially inform you fellow citizens of Zimbabwe and the world that with immediate effect, I no longer have anything to do with CCC,’’ he said in a statement on Thursday.

Chamisa gave President Emmerson Mnangangwa a run for his money in last August elections which were discredited by most observer missions including SADC.

The party won almost half of the 260 parliamentary seats but since late last year, most Members of Parliament and councillors have been recalled by self-imposed secretary general, Sengezo Tshabangu who is allegedly an agent of Zanu PF.

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The recalled MPs were barred from contesting in the by-elections while no other opposition candidates were fielded, a development which meant automatic victory for ruling party candidates.

“The original idea of CCC has been contaminated, bastardized and hijacked by ZanuPF through the abuse of state institutions. Further CCC, has now been rendered an extension of and been taken over by Zanu PF.”

“CCC, has to all intents and purposes been criminally handed over to Zanu PF. Our politics has been defiled by schemes of personal and aggrandizement upon a runaway pursuit of positions, title, benefits, trinkets and trapping of office. A contaminated, bastardized, hijacked CCC cannot deliver a new Zimbabwe,” he said.

Chamisa’s departure from CCC spells an end of the popular opposition party, as was the case with the Movement for Democratic Change-Alliance which collapsed when the latter quit following squabbles within the organization.

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