Mmopane cash heist suspects remanded in custody

Portia Mlilo

Two men accused of attempted armed robbery which occurred at Engen filing station in Mmopane were this morning arraigned before a Broadhurst magistrates court.

The two accused persons, Audience Sibanda 26 and Liberty Sibanda aged 25 both from Zimbabwe and residing in Hillbrow South Africa, are facing four counts of attempted robbery, unlawful possession of firearms, unlawful possession of ammunition and entering Botswana through an ungazetted point.

The court heard that on the 3rd day of December at Engen filing station in Mmopane acting together with a common purpose and in concert armed with two pistols, attempted to rob Daniel Ntsoro and Otsile Ramontsho of Security Systems both working under the cash transit unit.

On the second count, the duo being persons not authorized, licensed or exempted in any manner to possess arms, unlawfully had in their possession two 9mm pistols.

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On the third count the accused persons were allegedly found in possession of 9mm pistol ammunition.

On the fourth count, on the 30th of November, the two allegedly entered Botswana at an ungazetted point of entry which forms a boundary between Botswana and South Africa.

The accused persons will be back in court on the 20th of December for status update.

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