Mixed bag

Sinqobile Tessa
LATE: Amuli perished in the crash along with Ginimbi and two others

I struggled to write this week’s column for one reason or the other but I’m happy it eventually saw the light of day.

While we welcome the rainy season, the major downside is that it means no electricity as we can’t seem to have both! The land was blessed with heavy rains on Monday morning.

Unfortunately, we haven’t had electricity since – I’m writing this two days later, just after day break on Wednesday morning!

I guess seeing as the rainy season has officially started, we might as well forget about having normal power supply.

So this week I wrote the column using my phone, which I charged in the car and then submitted it via WhatsApp. There must always be plan B, right? I hope, dear reader, you appreciate the lengths I go to, to ensure you get your weekly dose of Letter from Zim!

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In any case this is meant to be a weekly column and consistency is key meaning that week in, week out it must be published without fail unless of course for reasons beyond my control.

Having said that, not much is happening this side so I will touch on various topics.

The most talked about story is the stalling of the burial of Michelle Moana Amuli, the fitness fanatic who died alongside businessman and socialite, Genius Ginimbi Kadungure, more than a fortnight ago.

26-year-old Amuli and two others were burnt to death in the accident. A DNA test had to be conducted first to ascertain their remains, which initially caused delays in the burials.

But to date, her remains are yet to be interred as her parents are fighting over how she should be buried.

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Her father, who is a Muslim, wants her to be buried the Islamic way while her mother on the other hand is having none of that and wants Christianity to prevail.

The issue is currently before the High Court. What is clear is that the two, who are divorced, are using their child’s death to settle old scores.

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There is also talk that they are both expecting some form of payout from the Kadungure family seeing as their daughter died in the company of the late rich socialite.

In other unrelated news, the Broadcasting Authority of Zimbabwe last week issued broadcasting licences to six new television stations including the army.

All the new players in the broadcasting sectors are linked to the ruling Zanu PF in one way or the other but what struck most people is the army owned television station.

What kind of content will this station have and what’s the interest of the army in the media sector? These are the questions on people’s lips and thus we all can’t to watch the station, which some have predicted will be totally boring with nothing to offer in terms of entertainment except to rubber stamp the army’s authority.

Other critics are saying the television station will also be used to spruce up the image of Vice President, Constantino Chiwenga, a former army general with ambitions to one day lead the country.

Meanwhile, journalist Hopewell Chi’ono was eventually granted bail last week after spending days at the maximum prison.

He continues to speak out against the regime despite being fully aware of the consequences of doing so.

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