Maybe we need another coup!

Sinqobile Tessa
FALSE HOPE: Zimbos celebrating Mugabe's downfall in 2017

Although it promised much, the coming in of President Emmerson Mnangagwa in 2017 following a coup has proved a damp squib. Maybe that’s why people are now hoping for a second one, to topple him!

Following the return of Vice President, Constatino Chiwenga from China last week, where he spent four months being treated for idiopathic oesophageal stricture, a disease of the esophagus, speculation has been rife that another coup is on the cards as the two men no longer see eye to eye.

Speculation was further fuelled by the fact there were no government or Zanu PF officials to welcome back the VP. Instead he was met at the airport by the Chinese Deputy Ambassador.

According to the rumour mill, Chiwenga had long recovered but pretended to still be sick so he could remain in China to plot another coup.

While some are dismissing this as cheap talk or fake news, others insist there is surely no smoke without fire.

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What is clear though, is that this boils down to frustration over the economic situation in the country hence people are hoping for another coup and that maybe this time around it will yield the much desired results.

Clearly Mnangagwa sold us a dummy when he promised to be a massive improvement on the late Robert Mugabe in managing the economy as things have gotten worse.

Elections never make any difference as there are always allegations of rigging. Hence the only option seems to be another coup with hope that whoever comes in will be a better man – after all, our coups are bloodless.

Recently, a presidential guard soldier stationed at the state house allegedly fired bullets in the air while complaining of hunger and the economic hardships.

This, according to some, was again another sign that all was not well even in the barracks as they also feel their efforts during the coup were in vain.

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And while we continue to drown in poverty, Mnangwagwa, who is clearly deluded and out of touch with reality, thinks he is our hero and goes on to approve renaming of ten roads around the country after himself.

Or maybe he is deliberately slapping the masses in their faces, as he must surely know that he is not a darling of the majority.

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In other news, former President Robert Mugabe’s estate was registered this week. According to his daughter Bona, he only had one farm, contrary to government claims that the former first family actually had more than 10 farms.

It remains to be seen if the government will contest these claims of one farm. Oh and by the way, Mugabe had US$10 million (P110 million) in his foreign currency account.

Your guess is as good as mine as to where all that money came from!

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