Masis’s presidency, the 4-year mark assessment

Daniel Chida

Our position is that this is the worst Presidency in the history of this country – Mohwasa

This month marked four years for President Mokgweetsi Masisi in office after taking over from Ian Khama.

Masisi was sworn in on April 1st, 2018 and in this week’s edition, The Voice staffer, DANIEL CHIDA, engages political party leaders and other people from different sectors to share their thoughts on his leadership so far.

Mokgwetsi Masisi (Taken from his social media page):

Improving Botswana’s international Standing – One of the things I wanted to achieve was to re-energise the country’s brand by improving its relations with other countries.

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I can say this has been reclaimed. Botswana has successfully led the SADC Organ on Politics, Defence And Security Cooperation and played a critical role in resolving some disputes in the region such as the border dispute between the DRC and Zambia and deployment of troops to Mozambique to combat terrorism.

Digitisation – Through the Reset Agenda, we have embarked on Digitisation and Smart Botswana is testimony.

There is no doubt that the digitisation of services will enable the country to have a much more responsive economy.

Efficiencies achieved by CIPA in the registration of companies and related services through digital means is another case in point.

Easing of legislation – Government has amended the Transfer Duty Act to allow exemption of first time homebuyers from paying transfer duty.

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Empowerment of women – Competent and qualified women leaders now occupy the position of Permanent Secretary to the President, Deputy Permanent Secretary to the President.

All three Presidency Ministries are led by women and, for the first time in the history, the Commissioner of Prisons is a woman.

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Providing clean water – Access to clean water has also been one of the primary objectives and access has been made.

The Masama Water Project, which improved water access in the greater Gaborone areas, was completed on time and on budget.

The other ones are Gamononyane – Molepolole, Lobatse Water Masterplan and Tutume Water infrastructure.

Some of the achievements include, constitutional Review, protection against sexual predators, fighting Covid-19, economic projects, powering of villages, creative industry and youth empowerment, land matters, international market for small stock and new horticulture scheme.

Moeti Mohwasa – UDC’s Head of Communications

Our position is that this is the worst Presidency in the history of this country.


It is characterised by false promises, deceit, betrayal, corruption, intolerance and tyranny, among others.

Everything that has come out of this regime is consistent with the attributes mentioned above.

The worst is still to come from this regime. The current President likes centralising power and instilling fear.

This is not helped by the rise in the influence of the DIS in all aspects of our lives.

This has made its head the de facto President. It is clear real power does not lie at the State House but with DIS boss, Peter Magosi.

The State President has and continues to shrink while the influence and power of the DIS continues to grow. Under Masisi, the DIS has become so powerful and untouchable.

Its influence and penetration has, without doubt, affected the public perception and confidence in the judiciary, parliament, executive and the media.

Four years down the line, this is where we are.

Motsumi Marobela – Academic and Labour Activist

President Masisi didn’t outline his vision for the country when he assumed power; only lately he did propound his vision of the reset agenda, which still remains to be clearly articulated to Batswana.


However, it is fair to note that there are certain policy pronouncements, which formed the tenets of his government, such as creation of unemployment – no achievement, fighting corruption – no achievement, actually regressed not least because of his personal entanglement.

Cordial relations with the labour movement -no achievement, collective Bbargaining Council still not functional, reigning DIS and making it accountable – no achievement, DIS is still the elephant in the room – doesn’t seem to be accountable to anyone, inclusive governance – no achievement – no all party consultative forum.

Review of the Constitution – half achievement but failed the litmus test of inclusive governance by setting terms of reference alone and picking up his preferred people instead of relying on parliamentary governance, drilling boreholes and installation of water to farms – nothing.

His leadership, he made some achievement in consolidation of the party but problematic is his personal fight with the former president, his own cabinet and inner core circle point to a national leadership crisis. Electric car is only talk, which remains a pious dream.

Outcome of the lavish tour to Dubai still to be realised but he has to be applauded for the recent groundbreaking investment of the starting up of Covid-19 innovation plant and associated medical industries.

Tlhabologo Furniture – BCPYL President

Nothing much can be said about his achievements, especially for us as the youth, we are still experiencing high level of unemployment in the country and some of the young people have now given up in as far as looking for jobs is concerned.


Youth have resorted to criminal activities, which end up landing them on the wrong side of the law.

He had promised the youth a lot of things like electric car, which was geared up to address unemployment but nothing has been done so far.

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