Masisi opposed to direct election of state president

Daniel Chida

President Mokgweetsi Masisi has given an insight on the outcome of the Constitutional Review Commission.

When officially opening the Botswana Democratic Party’s Women’s Wing congress at Seepapitso Senior School in Kanye over the weekend, Masisi said they are not going to allow for the direct election of a president system in this country. “What happens when all your Members of Parliament lose elections and only you gets elected, how will you run the country, we shouldn’t allow this kind of system in our country.”

Masisi said that he was pleased to see some members of the BDP opposing the direct election of the President during the Constitutional Review commission kgotla meetings. “Ga se gore ra e tshaba ke gore e ka tsisa tlhakatlhakano mo lefatsheng. It doesn’t make sense.”

Masisi also pleaded with his party members to discuss how the constituencies should be increased from 57 to 61.

He said that in the next elections there will be four new constituencies and asked the BDP members to advice the Delimitation Commission on where the new ones should come from.

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He asked women to advocate for an increase of Specially Elected Members of Parliament and Council.

He said that they should also state the quota of their representation to help in having many women holding seats. “We know what women go through when they seek political office, it is very tough for them as they don’t have enough funds, get insulted and abused and also get undermined, so having more special nomination seats reserved for them will help, in women empowerment.

Meanwhile the Minister of Finance, Peggy Serame, was elected the Women’s Wing Chairperson and former Gaborone Mayor Veronica Lesole as her Deputy.

Neo Maruapula retained her seat as the Secretary General.

Other positions were voted as follows:
Treasurer: Orefitlhetse Masire
Deputy Secretary: Tinny Ketsebae Dinoko
Deputy Treasurer: Talita Monnakgotla

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