Mascom donates to S.O.S

Christinah Motlhabane
MONEY IN THE BANK: Cheque presented to SOS village

As a way of advocating for child protection, Mascom Batanani Walk 2021 donated P139,470 to Francistown SOS village on Friday.

P69,745 are proceeds from the walk and Mascom decided to match the donation to make the total P139, 470. Speaking at the cheque hand over ceremony, Francistown Mayor, Godisang Radisig, said he appreciated the good gesture displayed by the network service provider.

“It was not so long ago when Mascom was here to launch the 2021 Mascom Batanani Virtual Walk; and I’d like to thank you for making Francistown your home, and for not making this event a once-off activity,” he said.

Handing over the donation, Mascom Chief Executive Officer, Dzene Makhwade Seboni, explained that Batanani is an Ikalanga word meaning unity.

“It means we have to unite and assist those in need. Poverty eradication remains a top priority and, as Mascom, we are committed to share the little we have with Batswana,” she said.

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In 2019, proceeds from the walk were directed to Gender Based Violence, while in 2020 the money was donated to Jubilee Psychiatric Hospital.

Seboni further stated that, the Batanani Walk is rooted in giving back to the community and that this year they advocated for child protection.

“We hope this donation will make a meaningful impact on the children at Francistown SOS village. We want to thank all those who participated in the walk. I also appreciate the support we got from the Ministry of Youth Empowerment, Sport and Culture Development and Botswana Defence Force,” she said.

Receiving the donation, SOS National Director, Motshwari Kitso, said the donation will go a long way in providing for the children.

“We have a big operational budget of over P26 million of which 50 percent is from our international friends and supporters while P13 million is from local support like government and fund raising activities,” said Kitso.

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He said he guarantees that the money they received is in safe hands.

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