Man in police custody for raping 13 year old girl

Cathrine Moemedi
ACCUSED : Kealeboga Nameela

A 28 year old Man of Sedie ward in Maun accused of raping a standard seven pupil was further remanded in custody this week to allow the social welfare officers to relocate the minor child to a place of safety.

Having been arrested a few weeks back with his first court appearance on 28th March 2024, Kealeboga Nameela is alleged to have had unconsented sex with the 13 year old minor sometime between January and March 2024.

Updating the court on the status of the matter on Monday this week, state prosecutor Ambrosia Keipheditse noted that the social welfare officers are working around the clock to place a child in safety as she currently stays with his unemployed father who survives on piece jobs and is hardly at home.

“We are applying for further incarceration of the accused as the child is yet to be placed in safety, the social welfare officers are still working on the matter,” revealed the prosecutor.

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Social services claim they have not yet traced the girl’s mother or relatives who can give her proper care in the interim, “The process is delayed because the victim stays with the father, we are trying to locate her mother and maybe relatives who can take her in. She has to be placed with her family first before being taken to shelter and also considering her education since she is a standard seven

Standard seven is the highest class at primary school level and will be sitting for final examinations in October this year.

Meanwhile Nameela applied for bail noting that he does not stay in the girl’s neighborhood and that he cannot interfere with the investigations.

In her ruling Magistrate Gofaone Mosweu noted that the court has to be cautious as survivor is
still a minor and that the bail issue will only be dealt with at a later stage

The matter returns to court on 29 April for status update.

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