Man forgives woman for burning his private parts

Portia Mlilo
SCALDED: Gaolatlhe

She has two children who need her care- burnt victim

An excuse that he slept out because of curfew did not spare a young man from a serious attack from a furious lover who scalded his private parts with boiling water.

The 24 -year old Nonofang Thuso Gaolatlhe has landed in hospital where he was treated for third degree burns and discharged.

The incident occurred on March 26 at Gaolatlhe’s rented house in Mogoditshane.

The matter was reported to Mogoditshane Police and the attacker,Tshireletso Modise,23, was arrested.

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However when he got better, Gaolatlhe went to the police to let them know that he has decided not to press charges against his ex-girlfriend.

“ She has two young children who need her care and I do not want her to have a criminal record. Her youngest son is only three years old. So I forgive her for what she did.” Gaolathe said.

Narrating how he ended up with scalded penis and thighs, Gaolathe said that two days before the incident, he went to visit a friend’s house and stayed until late so because of the 8Pm curfew he ended up spending the night at the friend’s house.

He said the following day, which was Thursday he found an angry break up textmessage from his live-in -lover on his phone informing him that she had moved out and moved on.

“I accepted her decision. On Friday, I came home with a new girlfriend. A few minutes after my arrival I heard a knock and before I could respond there was Tshireletso my ex-girlfriend inside my room. She asked me what was going on and I told her I was with my girlfriend. I was boiling water in a bucket using an element to bath. Before I could figure out what her plan was she had quickly grabbed the bucket and poured me with the boiling water, which also splashed my girlfriend burning her on the shoulder because she was sitting next to me,” said Gaolathe who went on to explain that he was still struggling to walk because of the pain.

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“ I work for a construction company and I do not know how I am going to carry on working in my condition. I do not understand why she acted in such a heartless manner but I choose to forgive her. Some might think I moved on too quickly but she is the one who broke up with me.” Gaolathe explained.

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