Love, sex, and drama

Portia Mlilo
Love, sex and drama

Two wrongs in Maun

Two Wrongs in Maun Facebook page reads like a thrilling telenovela, and like one it has a huge following of more than a hundred thousand people.

The author, whose identity has remained a closely guarded secret, writes gripping erotic, romantic drama daily under the pen name, Emmie Motsamai Theo.

Love, sex and drama

Over the years, Two Wrongs in Maun has attracted advertising both from individual sponsors and various companies to keep the juicy sex stories coming.

Voice Reporter, Portia Mlilo had a chat with this anonymous author and publisher about her passion for writing and the secret behind hiding her identity.

Q. What inspired you to write a book Two Wrongs in Maun?

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A. I started writing shortly after my mother was diagnosed with cancer.

I was just trying to forget everything I was going through and by the power of God, after so many years of battling cancer she beat it and she is now fine.

Q. Briefly tell our readers about the book title?

A. Well Two Wrongs really comes from two wrongs don’t make a right but I cut that and put the setting of the events, which is in Maun.

Q. What impact do you think the book had on your reader’s lives?

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A. I guess a lot of them could relate to most of the challenges the characters were going through.

This is a book that had different characters with different personalities so a lot of people could relate.

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Often when a character makes a decision that turns their lives around, it comes as an eye opener.

It’s like seeing yourself from a different perspective.

Q. Why the title Two Wrongs in Maun?

A. Two wrongs don’t make a right always seems to be the underlying issue with most of my themes though the books are all different.

Q. So far you have 8 books, what inspires you to write?

A. After my first book, I had thousands of readers looking forward to my next book, so I wrote the second book and from there I became addicted to writing.

As of now, there is not a day that goes by without me jotting something down about everything that inspires me.

From a good looking soldier standing by the road looking for a permit to a homeless man sitting by the road waiting for coins from people passing by.

Q. Why are your stories about love life?

A. It seems more people are not comfortable sharing intimate details about their love lives but would do anything to know how things are done, learn, and try out new things.

What a better way to do it than through a character!

Most women are forced to suppress their true feelings or sexual fantasies because it makes them look bad.

Sometimes as a writer it makes me happy to see women relating to a character and actually come out and say so and so is right, I would like to try this one day.

Q. Do you ever change your script because of your followers’ feedback?

A. No, I’ve learnt how quick readers are to connect the dots so at times I can let them make conclusions because perhaps they choose to ignore a tiny detail I put out there only to reveal it at the end.

Sometimes it really depends on the script, at times actions are predictable but at times it’s good to hit a reader with a shocker.

Q. I can see now you have clothing label, What are your future plans with the page since you now have around 323 000 followers?

A. We are currently selling t-shirts and masks but the plan is to bring a variety in consideration of the seasons and events in general as we go by.

The plan with the page is to help other pages grow their brands because 323k is a lot of people who are potential customers to someone hence we offer our advertising services.

That is how we make money and grow the brand.

Q. Now let’s talk about the book you are currently working on ‘One night only’ whose story are you telling? Is it based on your personal experience?

A. One Night Only is based on a true story but it’s not my story.

I am a woman and the main characters are two men who had a rather unique upbringing.

Q. Whose story is it?

A. It is based on a true story of someone I know.

The main characters are two men.

They shared their story and gave me permission to write it.

Q. You have 8 books on your Facebook page why did you publish one?

A. Well we have to start somewhere right?

I also wanted to see which option is more beneficial for me, selling a hard copy or sharing a book with sponsors?

Using social media is working for me.

People don’t read books but they spend most of their time on Facebook.

Sharing short chapters on my pages make them read.

Q. Why are you hiding your face? When you launched your book, people left the event not knowing who Emmie is.

A. It hurts me to know that my readers want to see the face behind all these writings but I cannot show my face for two reasons:

I am not ready to be a well-known person, I guess you could say the image my books gave me intimidates me because I’m not really a crowds person, I’m not outgoing and I’m an introvert.

The other reason is because I am battling shyness and stage fright, I am unable to control my shyness and the funny part is growing up I wasn’t a shy child.

It’s just something that came over me when I matured and just got so extreme to the point where I am unable to do public speaking.

I am constantly rejecting media interviews because I cannot express myself freely vocally, I once had a radio interview and I wasn’t comfortable I don’t think I’ll ever do that again, the only way I can express myself is when I’m writing.

Maybe this will change with time because I also want to meet my readers but until then that’s the situation.

I am truly too shy to even admit I am Emmie.

I have never admitted this even to my closest people.

Emmie is just a character even the number on the page is hers, as if she is a different person.

Q. How did you keep your identity secret for so long?

A. I never mention anything about being a writer and even to close relatives.

It is a secret even when I am writing no one can see me.

Even the email I use for all my writing business represents my pen name.

I have a personal Facebook account with my real names but I never share anything of my business page because I do not want to give people an idea of who I am.

Q. Do people ever share their love stories and give you an idea of your content?

A. People share their problems with me than their love stories, sometimes I can get a call from a stranger crying at her lowest and we would talk like sisters though I don’t know her name.

This can be inspiring, like I said anything could make me write a book.

I write using experience, research or observation.

Those three things make me who I am.

Q. What do you enjoy most about being a writer?

A. The one thing I enjoy about writing is that it’s a journey for me too; I get to experience all kinds of emotion.

Q. What advice can you give to young people who are aspiring to be authors?

A. To be a writer you have to be prepared to be your own motivation because the start is the hardest part.

There is nothing scary like writing when you don’t know who will read your book.

The very first insert I posted got only 400 likes and I was extremely happy I celebrated the whole day and by then I didn’t know any other writer so I wasn’t under pressure or targeting.

500 was a lot to me and now I get over 50k Likes on an insert, if you’re a beginner don’t look at Emmie’s numbers and get discouraged by your 500 likes, that’s where I started.

It takes dedication and consistency.

Q. Who is your inspiration?

A. I never thought of that. I think I am my own inspiration. Hahaha! (She laughs)

Q. Briefly tell our readers about the other page, TWIM followers?

A. The group Two Wrongs in Maun was originally TWIM followers and I created it for the readers to post their views and discuss the stories in detail by posting their opinions.

That’s where I also post the scenes too explicit for other readers.

Q. Thank God it’s Friday, what’s your plan for the weekend?

A. Cook a nice meal for my husband and children then spend more time with them.

Weekends are for family because during the week I am busy writing.

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