Local celebrities call for vaccinations

Sharon Mathala
L-R : Dato Seiko, Marang, Sebego, Phaladi & Kagiso
Hashtag gains momentum

As tension and anxiety reaches their peak, with a staggering 4, 008 Covid-19 positive cases registered in the space of three days, local celebrities have taken to social media to express their concern.

With Botswana now marked as one of the nations currently registering the most cases per 1, 000 citizens daily, society’s high flyers view this as a scenario that could have been avoided.

They feel the government should be doing more to secure vaccinations for the country.

As of 16 July, almost six months after the vaccine first became available, the number of fully vaccinated residents stood at 116, 147.

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The government has since issued a statement announcing a further delay in the arrival of vaccines, which were initially scheduled for the end of June but have now been earmarked for August.

This proved a boiling point of sorts for the stars who, under the campaign #VaccinateBatswana, have started to use their masses and muscle for their voices to be heard.

Voice Entertainment chose some of the celeb posts that have gained traction:

DatoSeiko: The Government is failing the citizens of this country every single day.

We have witnessed the incompetence way too many times, but they still have the audacity to stand before us and still make promises with no shame covid funds Di jelwe, no vaccines or facilities. Just vibes.

Local celebrities call for vaccinations
Dato Seiko

Kagiso Sento: #VaccinateBatswana

Local celebrities call for vaccinations
Kagiso Sento

Marang Molosiwa: We are dying Vaccinate us, please!

Local celebrities call for vaccinations
Marang Molosiwa Selolwane

Young people are dropping like flies.

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We are dying. @BWGovernment @OfficialMasisi

Gogontlejang Phaladi: #VaccinateBatswana

Local celebrities call for vaccinations
Gogontlejang Phaladi

Tebogo Lebotse: #VaccinateBatswana It’s a dire situation here!

Tebogo Lebotse
Tebogo Lebotse

Young and old dying. We are scared, angry, and disillusioned.

MC Alpha: From losing close friends and family members we can pause other projects and focus on vaccinating the nation face with rolling eyesFace with rolling eyes bathong ha le Kgore madi a corruption ha e le mo go sweunyana ga le 14 gore tuuFace with rolling eyesFace with rolling eyes#vaccinateBatswana #EndSOE

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By mid-afternoon Tuesday, the hashtag was the most trending in Botswana with many other social media users calling on Government to take the matter seriously.

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